Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to study smarter! 

by Lauren

With the start of school and the stress of more homework, its easy to spend a lot of time on school related projects. If you follow these easy tips, your study time can be put to good use without eating up your whole afternoon!!

1. Space out your studying over time If you study something once and then study it again right away, its still fresh in your mind the second time. Its better to study once and then re-study it later (one hour, one day, one week, etc.). That gives your brain time to forget and strengthens your memory over time.

2. Make reading active Before reading a chapter or paragraph in a textbook, ask questions of what you are looking for and search for the answers in the text. Or, skim read the text first and note the main points, then read in depth to get more out of it. Underline, highlight, take notes in the margins (remember not to write on school textbooks!), star things you don’t completely understand and you will get more out of your reading.

3. Talk with your parents or teachers If you don’t understand a concept or idea, don’t be afraid to ask! Your teacher and your parents want you to feel confident about what you're learning so you have a good foundation to go on for life. They would be happy to help you with whatever is causing you difficulty.

4. Recite as you study If you are studying for a quiz or a test, it’s great to recite the information while you work.  Saying the words out loud helps you to memorize the material better than reading or listening.

and finally...

5. Learning is in your head!! Having beautiful notes doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the information.  Don’t be afraid to get a little messy while scribbling ideas that can connect the information to your head. Use notes and books as a resource for learning not the end result.

Now with these helpful tips you can get the most out of your study time and have more time doing fun things! :)

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